The first thing you see on Kaya Thomas’ website is - Developer, Student, Mentor - however, Kaya is so much more than that, she is an inspiration. While still in her teens, Kaya was honored by First Lady Michelle Obama and others during last year's Black Girls Rock ceremony. The young ios developer and creator of the We Read Too app, highlighting diverse books with minority characters, has contributed to TechCrunch, interned at Intuit, and has
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15 Sep 2015
27 Aug 2015
Brian Gerrard, the CEO of a new tech company, BAE app is curated and targeted for people of color. Bae is a mobile app connected through Facebook, however, it’s goal is to take the quest for meaningful connection to this overlooked and demographic. With his brother, Justin Gerrard and CTO Jordan Kunzika, Brian hopes to change the market for Black men and women who are among the most technologically active but the least desirable group