Co-Founder/CEO Code2040 “There’s been a shift in the way thought about and talked about that makes me really optimistic that we’re going to solve this problem.” - Laura Weidman Powers If you recognized yesterday’s #BlackHistoryNBT feature, you’ll be no stranger to today’s superwoman. In 2012, alongside Tristan Walker, Laura Weidman Powers co-founded non-profit organization Code2040. Their mission is to ensure that by the year 2040 - when the US will reportedly be majority Black and Latinx -
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Founder/CEO of Walker & Company Brands (Bevel) & CODE2040. Ingrown hairs and razor bumps affect all people who shave, but people of color are more likely to have wiry or curly hair which is more prone to growing back improperly for the skin. Our feature for today took special attention to the issue founding a health and beauty startup aimed at simplifying grooming for people (especially of color) with curly hair. “We wanted to solve this very
Read more 60While watching Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC, we were first introduced to Angelica Ross. The CEO and founder of TransTech Social Enterprises, a training academy, and apprenticeship program that aims to educate and employ members of the Trans community in media and tech careers. Trans people face astoundingly high levels of discrimination in all aspects of their lives but especially in employment. In doing this work alone, helping members of this community gain employment opportunities, Miss
Read more 13Brian Gerrard, the CEO of a new tech company, BAE app is curated and targeted for people of color. Bae is a mobile app connected through Facebook, however, it’s goal is to take the quest for meaningful connection to this overlooked and demographic. With his brother, Justin Gerrard and CTO Jordan Kunzika, Brian hopes to change the market for Black men and women who are among the most technologically active but the least desirable group