Co-Founders of #BlackLivesMatter Where were you when you first heard the words “Black Lives Matter”? It’s probably around the same time you heard that George Zimmerman, the officer who fatally shot 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was acquitted of all charges. The global community reacted with shock, rage, and grief as no one was left to answer for Martin's premature death. A devastated Alicia Garza took to Facebook to write was she describes as a “love note


...And then sometimes the internet shows you a gem. Chris Golden, best known as Pandora radio and Spotify-featured hip hop artist “Dub Bulloh” picks us back up with our Black History Month series shining as a lesson to USE YOUR STAGE - no matter where or when. In this particular case, the “when” was Summer 2016. The “where” was the top of a carrier truck during at #BlackLivesMatter rally. Hailing from East Point, GA by way

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