Kenneth Wiggins is the Founder of Black Stock images a company with a mission to provide diverse stock photos featuring Black people. Based in D.C., Wiggins is a creative entrepreneur with expertise in interactive design, front-end engineering, brand strategy, and product development. Like most great business ideas, Black Stock Images grew from Wiggins quickly growing tired of searching for quality images that also felt authentic. Wiggins noticed that the lack of representation was widespread and wanted to help connect without stereotypes and with respect.

The benefit of using BlackStock is clear, better representation is needed throughout the digital media space. By focusing on respect, authenticity and culture; I’ve built a platform that presents Black culture in a genuine light, leaving the generic visuals and offensive propaganda to the other sites. I believe images used to represent content is as important as what’s written. BlackStock is here to help connect the messaging by providing quality assets for better branding and communication with your audience.

People are now standing up to take notice, Wiggins company has been featured in mainstream and respected publications like Madame Noire, Afropunk, and The New RepublicKenneth Wiggins is definitely the Next Big Thing!

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